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How to Avoid the Six Most Common Interview Mistakes

Go into the interview without fear: Dress formally and give clear, concise answers.

Gehen Sie zuversichtlich ins Vorstellungsgespräch

Whether your last boss was a harassing dictator or you are frightened after graduation, expect the best. When faced with the challenge of talking about previous employment relationships, you should be ready to positively form even the most reasonable of complaints. Speaking of which, keep your integrity and never lie. Confidence in your employees is vital and if you get caught in an interview it can mean instant rejection.


Unangemessene Kleidung

Although it depends on the industry, the general rule of thumb is: formal wear. First impressions are crucial and show how seriously you take the opportunity. The best advice is to always be conservative and well-groomed – polished shoes and iron ready. They have to fit in a commercial, professional environment, which often means you have to be willing to sacrifice youthful fashion for the job.

Dress to impress

Zu viel oder zu wenig reden

Your answers should be like pithy mini-essays with a clear beginning, middle, and end. If you are too brief it looks like you have little to say, if you drag on too long, you are probably babbling and missing the topic. Be calm, think before you answer, and use structure.

Nicht genug Recherche

This could either be because you did not inform yourself sufficiently about the company and the position, or because you did not prepare yourself adequately for the tricky questions in the interview. Even if your nerves are on edge, a graduate who is both fearful and inadequately prepared will not come off well. Hence, you need to go a step further in your research. Applicants should remember some important background information, find out more about the interlocutor, e.g. B. on LinkedIn or Twitter, and familiarize yourself with the market and the online presence of the company – not just with your own website.

Fehlende Fragen

An interview is not just about why the previous experience and skills of a university graduate can be applied to the respective position. It’s also a test of interest in the job. This shows your enthusiasm and thus strengthens your credibility as an applicant.

But be careful: asking questions about things you should already know shows that you haven’t done enough research. Perhaps you could ask how a current issue could affect the company’s business. This shows that you have taken the company seriously. Prepare a list of questions to ask so that you don’t forget them. If possible, relate it to the person you are speaking to and their experiences. A good example would be, “What do you like most about working here?” There is also the option to ask for feedback. If you ask the person you are talking to if they have any concerns about you, you can dispel any objections – but make sure that you accept these concerns with decency.

Wie können Sie als Absolvent bei einem Vorstellungsgespräch einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen?

First impressions are crucial: Research shows that most interviews are decided in the first two to three minutes. Be sure to practice a strong and professional handshake, accompanied by a friendly smile and confident body language. But don’t let confidence fall by the wayside. From the moment you hit the buzzer, you should look professional and dynamic. Confident small talk with the receptionist and hiring managers gives you the opportunity to reveal a bit of your personality without the pressure to answer, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

Confidence is important. Fight your way through the nervousness and give your potential new employer a good impression of who you really are. Basically, you have nothing to lose so just go for it. Plus, interviewees generally don’t want to take applicants by surprise – they want you to do well. Hiring is a business challenge and employers go into interviews hoping, even hoping, that the candidate will be the answer.

Self-analysis is another good area to add to your research that applicants tend to forget about. Take a look at the requirement profile and think about what the customer might be looking for. Then think about your own accomplishments and all the challenges you have overcome. Finally, try to balance the two. Without self-reflection, you may forget important life experiences that you could have applied to the tricky competence questions.